
Kilimanjaro (Swahili: Kilima, a mountain; njaro, luminous) or formerly called Kaiser-Wilhelm-Spitze is a mountain in northeastern Tanzania. This mountain is the highest mountain in the world is free-standing, 4,600 m high when measured from the base of the mountain.

Top of Kilimanjaro is the highest peak at the same time in Africa, with an altitude of 5,895 meters above sea level. The mountain is also called Kilima Dscharo or Oldoinyo Oibor which means white mountain in Masai language.

Kilimanjaro is a giant strato volcano is now inactive, but has fumaroles that emit gas in the crater that is located on the main summit of Kibo. In Tanzania, Kibo peak is known as Uhuru Peak. In 2003, the volcano German named Volker Lorenz estimates molten magma beneath the surface of the crater at a depth of 121.9 m (400 ft).